Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease

There are 4 main symptoms of Parkinson's disease

Now, the main symptoms of Parkinson's disease, if you want to talk about.

In medicine, "Parkinson's syndrome" and "differentiating between Parkinson's disease. Medicine in the language of" syndrome "is a combination of symptoms caused by a group of so-called entity. Under any of a syndrome of different reasons, lie in different diseases. There are signs of Parkinson's syndrome, 4-. The first one is ; movements slow down. slowdown in the movement of movements of all kinds such as a depletion function, slowdown, slowdown occurs. For example, a difficulty in using his hand, a muff, a slow start to feel sick, "I'm writing, I realize my summer has started to shrink gradually. Difficult to pull off the buttons feel especially close. Opening and closing the caps, turning movements, while shaving a muff, I feel a slowdown, "he says. As I mentioned above, the patient himself gözlemleyebiliyorsa good, overall strength is actually not a problem, but using the hand, there is a problem in making movements in-coherent and consistent manner describes. If the disease began to arm, the patient's symptoms usually say like that. The disease may begin in the leg. This time, the patient says, "I'm like a leg sürter, am having trouble removing a foot. Especially while the high steps, and sometimes it comes back foot, gets stuck. "Ministers from the outside of the patient walking on a side arm may notice sallamadığını. All these are the number one symptom of Parkinson's syndrome to slow down the movements, as in the language of medicine, the symptoms of bradikinezi'nin.

number two, what symptoms?

There is a basic rate of contraction of all muscles is normally mild. We call it "muscle tone" call. Parkinson's syndrome, increases muscle tone. When a patient's arm or leg oynattığımız away, you'll notice that resisted. It is a lead pipe bükermişçesine, resistance throughout the entire movement. Patients do, muscle aches, muscle stiffness perceive as. Medicine in the language we call it rigidity.

Tip number one symptom that famous or chills?

Yes, I own a typical tremor. This occurs when a coarse resting tremor, and in principle. No not using the patient's leg or arm, for example, in the form of oscillations in addition to rough handling or a tremor in her arms. Sometimes the only sign with the thumb-finger holds. We call it "counting the money in the form of tremors," or "shivering in the form of a pill to" call. Sometimes it is light enough to realize that as soon as the patient himself. Recognize relatives, "Your hands are shaking," they say. The patient looks at the acts of his hand trembling. In general, use of hands lifted when initiated, the chills, even if temporarily lost the hand or arm continues to keep a certain position may occur again. Therefore, the majority of patients, if not too severe, movements you do not complain. Vibration creates an inconvenience for the patient, rather than compromising the patient's functions. Reluctant to come out into the community for others to refrain would see. In the language of medicine in this "resting tremor" call.

Main symptoms of Parkinson's Syndrome

Slowing of gait and movements, tutuklaşması, and fine works have difficulty in initiating movement, tarnish percent (bradykinesia)
Muscle stiffness (rigidity)
Resting on the hand or leg shaking (tremor)
Posture and balance in impaired reflexes, the body bending forward (postural disorder)

What about the fourth symptom?

In the fourth symptom of Parkinson's syndrome, the body's posture and grip reflexes deterioration. A continuous contraction of muscles against gravity while standing in humans, plant and equipment, and our "stand-grip reflexes" collapsed like a sack of people who had not been what we call kalırlardı reflexes. Basic reflex to us and the basic "muscle tone" keeps us alive. Subjected to a distorting effect on balance when we suddenly lets düşmememizi. For example, someone standing motionless, just take a backward throws a leg backwards, again, the balance of his arms forward and provides savurur. We call it "reflex catch" call. Parkinson's syndrome is a problem with this stance and grip reflexes. Parkinson's patients for it when itelediğiniz, somewhere towards the back foot can collapse atamayıp. We call it the language of np "postural reflex disorder" or "postural disturbance" call. Similarly, out-patients a deterioration occurs in stances. Patients are typically very forward, curved stand, twisting their arms to the right was taken lightly. At first glance, such a patient to recognize on sight. When balance is impaired in any way in these patients, the patient returns to its normal position may fall sağlayamayıp. That patients sometimes are described as follows: "the bus was standing, suddenly moved. Yapamadan nothing fell like a log" or, "more than my balance was going down hill sağlayamadım, pushed me from behind and I fell like the one I started to accelerate."

These 4 symptoms when combined, we are a "Parkinson's syndrome" of, or in other words, we say that there is Parkinsoniztn'in. However, symptoms of Parkinson's syndrome, this 4-in-one to say that is not necessary. One of them is a minimum of 2 aradaysa "Parkinson's syndrome" is diagnosed.

Now let's Parkinson's disease ... The most common underlying cause of Parkinson's syndrome;

Parkinson's disease. If we give a ratio of roughly 10 patients, 8 of them the underlying cause of Parkinson's table showing the "classical (idiopathic) Parkinson's disease. The remaining two patients, we find other reasons. The reason we collect under two different titles. The first group of diseases characterized by loss of brain cells or" neurodegenerative diseases. "The second group, which causes symptomatic disease or Parkinson belirtisel. These are a direct result of brain cell loss did not occur, but another cause of disease or Parkinson's statements as a result of the brain affect certain regions. This group, for example in food poisoning (mercury poisoning, manganese poisoning, sometimes organic phosphate poisoning), certain infections, certain medications, trauma, or have a brain vessel occlusion. These are the brain regions required for movement in unison and harmony, they can damage that may be of a Parkinson's table.

The resulting loss of brain cells of Parkinson's table of the big band does?

Yes, they are differentiating the two. The first and most often the one mentioned above, "idiopathic (unknown cause) or the classic Parkinson's disease. All of this cause in 80 percent of patients with Parkinson's tables. The other group of the Parkinson's plus" or "Parkinson's plus" syndrome that we call the group. Isimlendirmemizin this reason, this group of 4 main symptom of Parkinson's syndrome, the symptoms of diseases to be added to the other. For example, eye movements, with or slow down, donuklaşması said. with or slow down with a serious loss of balance in the movements in question. with or next to the classic Parkinson's symptoms included low blood pressure or urinary incontinence is a very serious question subject.

So how is starting and developing Parkinson's disease?

90-in 95 percent of patients with Parkinson's disease on one side of the body, arm or leg begins. Over the years, gradually going through the other side. Onset can vary from patient to patient. Some patients are starting to flicker. Ability or the ability of the foot problem does not yet used. In the majority of patients, not shivering, whereas a decrease in ability to hand, iliklerken buttons, feels a difficulty when writing: "I have a stiffness, difficulty shaving becomes," or, "I would do fine embroidery, now began to wear my hand" in the form . Some patients with arm or leg is not starting. The patient began a foot rub, "he says. In fact, some patients say carefully," the tip of my shoes look a bit more worn out party, the more worn out. "There is an interesting observation. The disease sometimes can start with shoulder and arm pain. This movement think it is a symptom of his slow and stiffness. In time, other symptoms are also added to it.

So there is no steady Is Parkinson's disease patients? Parkinson's may be called at least does not flicker?

No attempt. Not have to be trembling in Parkinson's disease. So for patients, however, no titremiyorlar disease. Sometimes we are the wrong perception by patients' relatives. They say, "Doctor Bey, but you never titremiyorum I have Parkinson's." We usually depending on the nature of symptoms of Parkinson's patients with the clinical picture in the foreground are dedicating two main types. First, the dominant type of tremor, the second, the dominant type of slow-jamming. In general, all during the course of the disease, even if this dominance is protected over the years. Shivering tremor for many years, starting with the dominant type of patients they keep. But over time eliminate kalkabiliyor chills, or tremors can be added over time in patients starting tutuklukla. That is the dominant symptom of patients with type vary, but generally keeps the dominant type for years and years.

Parkinson's disease, a slowly progressing fast enough. In some patients a few years the situation remained unchanged in some patients where they değişebiliyorlar faster. Shows the change in the course of the disease from person to person. In other words, so to speak, each patient has Parkinson's disease is a peculiar.

Makes Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease

Of selective cell death of brain diseases (neurodegenerative diseases)
Idiopathic (classical), Parkinson's disease
"Parkinson-plus" diseases that cause loss

Cell loss affects more than one system (multi-system atrophy)
Common Levvy bodies disease (dementia with Lewy bodies, diffuse Levvy body disease)
Huntington's disease
Progressive paralysis of eye movements (progressive supranuclear paresis)
Corticobasal ganglionic degeneration

Parkinsonism due to secondary causes

Due to small vessel disease of the brain (vascular) parkinsonism
Parkinsonism due to poisoning (eg, manganese, mercury)
Parkinsonism due to brain infection
Parkinsonism due to brain tumors
Traumatic Parkinsonism
Parkinsonism due to drugs (eg antipsychotics)
Parkinsonism due to metabolic diseases
Other reasons

Do not have the disease, the patient has

At that time, not the disease is still here, do you treat a patient? ..
Exactly. The general rule in medicine also applies here: "There is no disease, the patient has." We use tables to yönlenmek disease diagnosis, they are directing us to certain directions, daraltıyorlar possibilities.

So how many if your patient, you mean so much Do you have Parkinson's?

Absolutely. You can even explain with an example like this. All the people on the fact there is a very simple elements: eyes, nose, mouth and ears. There are four elements that make up the face of roughly you can say. But their coming together in a very different shape. This difference makes people very different from each other's face. So does this think of. Yes, there are four main symptoms of this disease, but their coming together in the emergence and shape is different from patient to patient. For him, the general rule in medicine for us is: "do not have the disease, the patient has."

Do you have symptoms related to memory?

In fact, a British scientist, James Parkinson's disease for the first time in 1817 defines the "slow movement of these patients. They pull difficulty initiating movement. Katılaşıyor muscles, there is judder. But the intelligence and senses remain unchanged," he says. However, in recent years we realized that better mental function and mood in patients with PD and is related to the symptoms. James Parkinson, a gözlemciyken I wonder how well this is it jumped? I think not.

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