Activity Guidelines for Alzheimer's Patients

Activities Guide for Patients with Alzheimer's

Better to pass the days of Alzheimer's patients, especially the proposed activities to ensure the quality of life have to rise?

A person with dementia can still likes and has some of the events. It must determine for each patient personally. To find appropriate activities and skills for the changing moods of the patients in the glory to be creative and flexible. Encouraging the patient to the activities, results should be considered, regardless of the execution, they failed to react gösterilmemeli patients. In early times easier to give patients recommendations. In later periods, may need more encouragement and help, you must be patient and stick to it. The patient showed some behavioral signs of distress and can result from being empty. The patient may be busy, happy to spend the day can be achieved more efficiently and behavioral symptoms that may be reduced or disappear. Daily activities that also protect the patient's remaining skills, their confidence duymalarına, they are more interested in can help. In addition, relatives of patients to communicate with the patient, contribute to rapprochement.

Suggestions are Is there a particular event? Simple activities often are better, especially dementia ağırlaştıkça table. Try to find activities of interest to the patient. Avoid, however challenging and complicated striving. Short-lived events, usually shorter than the duration of the patients to concentrate better. Sakala, create the opportunity to laugh together. Some patients, reading, playing musical instruments, such as wood sewing jobs or activities previously yapakları fondly still can play, one needs a little is to be encouraged. Exercise every day to walk the recommended physical activities and accompanied by music. Listening to music, popular songs, especially the patient's years of youth, sickness sustained during the long period of time. The patient should be encouraged to accompany the songs. I often go out, sit in a park or garden tea is good for both patients and relatives, as well as a change of environment allows you to establish contact with other people. Most patients with dementia-tap okşayabilecekleri cats, pets such as dogs react positively. Soft toys can relax fondle them. Advanced stage patients increasingly difficult to co-operate. This type of massage in patients with and listen to soothing music may help.

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