Types of surgery

There are at least six types of surgery. All forms of surgery have their own characteristics and specific applications. The risks for any surgery are often different. Much is possible, open surgery and endoscopy to plastic surgery and laser surgery. What the meaning of all this is explained here.

Types of surgery
Medical knowledge is increasing and hence the techniques and specializations. One procedure would be relatively small and can for example be done by a physician or medical care center. The major operations are always performed in hospitals. This major surgery is often much physical examination beforehand. In general, we major surgery within the six different types of surgery:
The open surgery.
The endoscopic surgery.
The laser surgery.
Plastic surgery. and
The transplant surgery.

Open surgery
The open surgery is the best known form of surgery. Most operations are in fact open surgery. In open surgery, a cut, incision, with the patients. This should be big enough for the operations area and good access to the surrounding tissue visible. The surgeon can thus determine with more certainty how large the scope and internal damage. The disadvantage of this type of surgery is usually a large scar left behind and there is considerable blood loss. Sometimes just a local anesthetic, but usually there is general anesthesia.

Endoscopic surgery, also called laparoscopic surgery. There is no one big scar, because there are some small holes in the body are made. Through an opening, a viewing instrument, the scope, inserted. This is a hose or tube-shaped instrument with a light. Usually there is a mini camera built. By the other instruments are inserted small holes which house packed, can be cut or bitten by forceps and scissors. Sometimes the scoop on an existing body opening to entry. When this is sufficient, it's even better. The recovery period is much shorter than with open surgery and there is minimal damage and loss of function. Within the endoscopy we distinguish ten types of endoscopy. In alphabetical order, these are:

1. A bronchoscopy
This research can be explored throughout the airways and views.

2. The colposcopy
The colposcopy focuses on the internal view of vagina, uterus and cervix.

3. The cystoscopy
In cystoscopy, the bladder and urethra looked. By the input of a pain drug, the endoscope easier to bring to.

4. The gastroscopy
When endoscopy or esophagoscopy, the esophagus and the stomach examined. In an esophagoscopy, the inside of the esophagus seen, a gastroscopy at the inside of the stomach and a duodenoscopie the inside of the duodenum.

5. Laparoscopy
The look laparoscopy the abdomen through a laparoscope.

6. The laryngoscopy
Study of the throat, vocal cords, larynx and upper trachea.

7. The esophagoscopy
In esophagoscopy the inside of the esophagus seen through a gastroscope, which is applied back of the throat. The patient must be sober. The procedure may cause gagging.

8. The otoscopy
At otoscopy, your outer ear and eardrum views.

9. The rectoscopy
This rectal examination in the rectum looked at, with the last six inches of the colon is examined. More specifically, the sigmoidoscopy, the rectum and the last part of the colon be examined. It is intended that the bladder expands and thus better to watch it.

10. The rhinoscopy
This spectroscopy is examined in the nasal cavity. Research is also possible with the help of special mirrors. The research is conducted through the nose or throat to be done.

Micro Surgery
When microsurgery is possible to very small and delicate tissue surgery to address. They are very delicate operations, where the surgeon to operate continuously at the microscope field and treats. He controls the setting of the microscope with pedals, so his hands free for surgery. The delicate work, these operations often take long, and can also more protracted recovery period. The success rate of microsurgery, in practice high, since it is possible to directly very precise work.

The laser surgery
Laser beams can be used very carefully. Very small tissue parts can be treated with laser without damaging surrounding tissue unnecessarily. Because the laser beam is very hot, it must be applied with very small bumps, otherwise burns occur. This therapy is widely used in gynecology. The laser beam directly or through an endoscope can be directed to the treatment area. Externally, the laser used for skin disorders and removing tattoos .

Plastic surgery
This form of surgery aims to change the appearance and function of the affected area as much as possible to restore and reconstruct. This with minimal scarring. It is used for many reasons. Accidents by burning, in elderly, recovering from the effects another surgical procedure such as a mastectomy or for cosmetic reasons, for example. Especially with the plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons, it is very good to you to be informed about the procedure and possible risks.

Transplant Surgery
Sometimes fails an internal organ such that recovery is not possible, but must be proceeded to a transplant. It could for example include vital organs like heart, liver and kidneys, and sometimes the lungs. Today, many more parts for transplant into account, such as bone marrow, cornea, or the pancreas. You name it. The transplant is not intended to replace a failing organ, but also to improve the overall quality of life of the patient. As is known, it is not easy to time to get a replacement organ. Waiting lists can be significant. For the patient often unacceptably high.

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