Stages of Alzheimer's Disease

Stages of Alzheimer's Disease

Is the disease in the formation?

Yes, according to the first view, the main cause of the disease amyloid accumulation. Amyloid to accumulate in the cells die and begin to break the connections between cells. If the second opinion, tau protein accumulates in the cell claims to be the main culprit. According to this thesis, the tau protein accumulate in the cells died as a result, the cell, the cell starts to accumulate between the cells out of steel provides the answers reveal perindeki amyloid. Tau'cular In other words, "guilty of amyloid is not the result," they say, whereas the amyloid'ciler, "The real culprit amyloid'dir, it is the result of the accumulation of tau," they say.

What do you think?

When you look at the data we have is making all the genetic information amyloid'i guilty. Familial Alzheimer's disease-causing gene is detected that I had 3 pieces. All of these genes in the cell construction and destruction of genes involved in the amyloid protein. On the other hand there is the following observation: the brain of patients examined, with the accumulated amount of amyloid is no direct correlation between the severity of the patient's clinical symptoms. In fact, such extreme examples, however, some people throughout their lives, showed no signs of Alzheimer's, other reasons had passed away, the brains of amyloid has accumulated a significant amount of browsing.

Amyloid accumulates a certain amount of healthy aging brain of many people. When you look at the amount of tau protein accumulated in Tau'ya before the death of the patient can see a direct correlation between the severity of bunamasının. In short, the genetic findings suggest amyloid'ı, pathological findings and behold, tau'yu.

Alzheimer's disease is slowly progressing from an insidious way. The resulting symptoms
also can be different from period to period. Could you talk about the stages of the disease?

Stages of Alzheimer's disease is used to separate the different scales, for example, disease, 3, 5 or 7 has the stage that separates the scales. The simplest and easiest to understand what the early, middle and late phases, including ayıranı 3. This is roughly the following stages, the symptoms may arise as possible to sort:

Early stage: This period is usually overlooked by doctors and patients' relatives and wrongly perceived as a normal part of aging. Insidious onset of the disease when the first symptoms appeared to be difficult to determine clearly. The most significant finding in this period unutkanlıktır, as well as the difficulty of finding words in the patient, take time to be a trouble, especially to recognize familiar places and sometimes lost, take the initiative and may have trouble deciding. Quick temper, sudden glows, may show personality changes, such as social withdrawal. Begins to lose interest in hobbies and activities. Difficult to follow up a bank account and bills, and sometimes the money out of accounts of daily life is marked more than the selection of mixing or clothing there is a distortion.

Middle stage: As the disease progresses, symptoms may begin to affect more than evident, and daily life. The patient becomes increasingly forgetful, you can ask the same question over and over. Deletes events that happened recently never had ever existed. Güçleşmeye gradually starts to live alone without a problem. Salt changes the taste of food, burning of food sıklaşır. Starts to experience difficulties shopping. Bath, cleaning reminder, you may need in part to help. She spoke, stuttering, pauses can occur, begins with the difficulties in understanding complex sentences. If left on its own may be lost. Behavioral symptoms in the context of dreams, delusions, may occur inatlaşmayla acrimony.

Late Phase: During this period, the patient can not survive without assistance, is now completely ruined and backward memory impairment memory close to expand gradually, begin to cover the more distant past. Gradually the patient can not express himself well, never talk in recent times become longer, also does not understand what was said. Dressing, cleaning, going to eat you need full support. Now even recognize many relatives, urine and feces, and then keeping the problems begin to abductions. Patient care in recent decades is in need of a complete, speak, understand, usually quiet, where it was left sitting, walking slowed down or walk unaided, in the end, a bedridden patient.

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