Silicosis Disease

Disease called silicosis caused by inhalation of silica dust. Silica dust is widely available around us. Pnömokonyosisdir silicosis one of the most common. Quarries, mines, brick, tile, pottery, clay works are workers.

Fibrous particles of silica in the lungs of their coal pnömokonyosisinden more intense and widespread reaction. Autoimmune reaction to form the fibrous silica powders and macrophages zedelen-mesiyle related imbalance.


The characteristic lesions of the lung nodules of connective tissue in silicosis. As an onion on top of layers of connective tissue accumulation creates a nodule. These nodules are 2-3 mm in diameter than the upper lung regions parahiler foblarında and collected. Silica dust next to the alveolar walls of small vessels are collected several times. Perivascular lymph roads clogged artery walls and wear, would be devastated. NodüUerde, preskalen to hilar lymph nodes are silica powders.
In the fine silica powder how intense and how it develops in such a widespread fibrosis. Inhalation of silica nodules as we continue to expand, and with each other combine to increase the number of large, dense masses occurs. Upper or middle parts of the lung lesions in this large dollars. Conglomerated silicosis cases of tuberculosis infection is very common. The period of active and progressive cavitary lesions of tuberculosis occurs. Lymph nodes, hilar lymph nodes, especially early in the disease expands. Higher incidence of cancer in silicosis.

Clinical symptoms

X-ray micro-nodular lung disease, the diagnosis of silicosis is usually a change is made ​​and the history of professional self. Clinical symptoms after 20-30 years is certain. If the patient smokes, this period, frequent lung infeksi-tions, such as cough and sputum in chronic bronchitis symptoms are observed. These symptoms are connected to smoking, the diagnosis of silicosis remains hidden. Proceed, however, the disease cough, sputum production, and increasing dyspnea of exertion increases, and the evening comes, and chest radiography husule nodules indicates that they come together and look conglomerate. Emphysema and chronic bronchitis is a progressive illness develops. The enlarged barrel-shaped thorax, decreased expansion. Hipersonorite percussion is taken. Auscultation decreased breath sounds and prolonged ekspiras-direction is heard. Parenkimasının progressive lung damage with a fibrous tissue, chronic bronchitis and emphysema, progressive pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale and right heart failure and then come husule.

Other environmental diseases in a separate feature in the progression of silicosis after years of ayınldıktan over study of fibrous reaction. For this reason, the patient should ask the former to the years of the professional resume carefully.

Radiological findings

Radiographic signs of silicosis disease usually occurs after 10-20 years of interest. Reticular and radiological changes in the beginning is difficult to decide what is normal or abnormal. Then, with multiple nodular shadows appear. During this period, the diagnosis of the disease remains questionable. Reticular or nodular change and the disease "simple silicosis is called. After this period, and gain a view conglomerated nodules combined with "complicated silicosis" means husule. Diameters of the lesions are homogeneous nature conglomerate with more than one part, some of them large enough to cover a lobe. There are distributions do not comply with the anatomy of the segment or lobe. Are usually localized in the upper lobes. Environments with multiple outputs are intizamsızdır and lesion boundaries. Increases, and the radiographic appearance of fibrous reaction is dominated by the disease progresses. Coal workers pnömokonyosis'inde as "progressive massive fibrosis (PMF) consists of shirt.

Silikosis'de hilar adenopathy are seen. Around 5% of cases, enlarged lymph glands are calcified, and there is a lesion with lymphadenopathy parenkimada this. This view is "egg shell" is like a fairly pathognomonic for the diagnosis of silicosis. Egg shell mediastinal lymphadenopathy, chest wall and peritoneum may also occur. Advanced stages of the disease consists of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and air regions and the bullae are seen more as a radiograph about it. Tuberculosis and ischemic necrosis in cases with widespread lesions husule Intracavernous income.

Lung function tests

Prenodüler and nodular pulmonary function tests are usually normal period. The disease is complicated by widespread and progressive fibrosis in the lung function tests show restrictive abnormality. Lung hacımları, especially vital capacity is reduced. More advanced cases, compliance, and diffusion capacity is reduced. The other is a functional disorder in patients with obstructive husule this nature. Silicosis patients, ventilation / perfusion imbalance in respiratory function is an important abnormality.

Treatment of silicosis

Patients diagnosed with silicosis silica dust away from the position effective treatment. Micronodular do not need any treatment period. Conglomerate and massive fibrosis should be carefully monitored during the nu complication of tuberculosis. Returnees or those with positive tuberculin reactions, prophylactic treatment should be more strongly. If the patient has clinical symptoms, for example, night sweat, weight loss, fatigue, loss of appetite and quality of radiographic changes of tuberculosis treatment of tuberculosis is the first year. Examination of Koch's bacillus in sputum culture, and resistance to antituberculosis drugs according to the result set type and duration of treatment.

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