Lung Cancer and Non-Use

Reported in the past century, lung cancer is rare, since the beginning of this century, industrialization began to rise in parallel, while in the last 40-50 years have shown a marked increase. Stomach cancer-related deaths in men past the first sıradayken lung cancer today is the first place. In 2001 alone, 169,500 lung cancer deaths in the United States has given rise to (1). In 2005, according to data published by the American Cancer Society, lung cancer, 90,490 men and women, while 73,020 people for a total of 163,510 people has led to death (2). Again in 2008, according to data published by the American Cancer Society, lung cancer, 90,810 men, women, and a total of 161,840 people, including the 71,030 people has led to death. These rates are all causes of death among cancers in men by 31%, with 27% in the first place in women is

Tobacco use

Illustrates the use of tobacco as the biggest cause of the increase in lung cancer. The history of tobacco use goes back to 4000 years before. Tobacco, as a drug for the first used by Native Americans, while America's Christoph Columbus since 1492 by the discovery of widespread use across the entire continent (4). Today, adults 1 / 3 'ü (1.3 billion people) were current smokers. Içilmekte nearly 6 trillion cigarettes per year and gradually decreases in age of starting smoking (5, 6). Approximately 5 million people a year die from smoking related illnesses. By 2025 about 10 million people a year lose their lives causes related to tobacco use, among adults in the 1 / 3 'reputation is expected to die of causes related to smoking (6) Interestingly, 75% of smokers living in less developed countries and lower levels of life ( 7). In the last 30 years in some European countries such as England and Finland and the United States declined in the amount of cigarettes smoked, and this number is increasing in China and other Asian countries

Tobacco use causes lung cancer in men 90% women are in the first place with 79% (9). Non-smokers compared with women who had smoked during her lifetime risk of developing cancer in people 20 to 40 times increased (10, 11). Non-smokers lung cancer rate is only 2% (12). The relationship between smoking and lung cancer in patients with squamous cell and small cell, adenocarcinoma and large cell that is stronger than karsinomlarla

Number of cigarettes per day increased risk of developing lung cancer and cigarette smoking is directly proportional to the years time. Furthermore, erkenliği age of starting smoking, smoke lungs, deep drawing, smoking, drinking and smoking until the end of the continuous holding in the mouth increases the risk of developing the disease. More men than women smoking is 5-10 times greater risk. Pipe and cigar smokers than non-smokers with lung cancer more than 5 times, although this rate is less than that of non-içenlerdekine

Epithelial metaplasia were found in a very small part of the bronchi of non-smokers, smokers, smoking is more than the amount of time and in proportion to the number of epithelial metaplasia and basal cell hyperplasia has. They started with bronchial cancer, creates a focus. Changes due to carcinogens, and these regions are more vulnerable regions of genes are changed due to exposure to this kind of
Although nicotine is not carcinogenic cigarette smoke causes addiction. Türevlerdir polycyclic hydrocarbons and nitrosamines in cigarette smoke carcinogenic substances. 3-4 polycyclic hydrocarbons benzo [a] piren'in carcinogen is thought to be most effective. Apart from these many toxic substances carcinogenic effects. More than 4000 chemical compounds derived from tobacco smoke is a carcinogen that more than 60 substances

Cigarette smoke contains known carcinogens, co-carcinogens and tumor-causing substances in the main cause of lung cancer. Cigarette smoke particulate phase (tar) and gas phase can be divided into two phases. Both types are very different from free radicals and oxidants. Oksiradikaller gas phase at high concentrations and nitrogen oxides (free radicals), especially nitric oxide contain. This phase of organic radicals, nitric oxide (NO), a slow oxidation nitrojendiokside (NO2) is converted. NO2, more reactive towards organic compounds. Gas phase radicals are short-lived. However, high concentrations of tar phase radicals are quite stable. Tar melting characteristic of radicals in water, so the structure of the lung fluid and biological damage that can have long-lived radicals. The radical system is long enough for life spread throughout the lung lining fluid, intracellular organelles, and DNA can reach you. Phase also contains large amounts of nicotine, tar and nitrosamines. Digoksigenin through the reduction of tar phase radicals, superoxide and hydrogen peroxide are formed, they also lead to a DNA damage (16). Both these carcinogenic substances in the tar phase and the gas phase, experiments in laboratory animals has been shown to cause lung cancer

Cigarette smoke is one of the most important class of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 3 (benzo [a] pyrene, nitrosamines and aromatic amines) is the most nitrosamines, especially the 4 - (metilnitrozamin) -1 - (3-pyridyl)-1-butanon (NNK) lung adenomas and adenocarcinomas, particularly because it focuses on these triggers, including tumor growth. Because of their DNA on DNA damage and mutations lead to a false tıpkıyapımlara. Bronchial tissues of patients with lung cancer with increasing number of cigarettes smoked increased the amount of DNA was damaged. In addition, although the reason is not known exactly due to the use of women as non-susceptible to lung cancer than men were found to be

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