Klebsiella Pneumonia

What is Klebsiella pneumonia

A serious pneumonia. Factor of gram-negative bakteridir.Yaşlılarda, alcoholics, diabetics, and uncontrolled debilitan more frequently observed in patients. Disease sudden chills, fever, dyspnea, sputum, chest pain and severe exhaustion begins. Greenish sputum, purulent, blood-line, sometimes rusty and sticky.

Sübmatite or dullness in the examination of disease, pektoriloki, bronchial breathing, and age Railer monitored.

Radiology has three features:

1. Exudate collection and interlobar lung parenkimasında sissürün itilmesine and bombeleşmesine causes an increase in volume.
2. Approximately 1 / 3 cases and Intracavernous abseleşme occurs.
3. Exudate is often converted to empyema.
Sputum gram-negative bacteria that cause disease and are abundant polymorphonuclear leukocytes. There are many times, leukocyte count is normal or leukopenia. Sometimes the leukocytosis observed.

The main complications of the disease abscess, Intracavernous, empyema, pneumothorax, pericarditis, meningitis and anemia.

Treatment duration of at least 2 weeks. The main drugs used in treatment of Klebsiella pneumonia cefoperazone and cephalothin (2-3 gm / day, and IV, IM), gentamicin (160 mg / day, IM) and kloranfenikol (2-3 gm / day, orally), dir. Sputum culture and antibiotic sensitivity often examined and antibiotics should be chosen accordingly.

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