How to fight colds and flu: What works and what does not

How to fight colds and flu: What works and what does not

The much dreaded cold and flu season is upon us. And if you're like me, there are no free time built into the schedule of patients. Yes, how can I strengthen protection against bacteria lurking in the common areas in my office, please, where's my holiday shopping and meet the rest of my holiday trip?

And look at the research Sohn Emily and Rachel Johnson, PhD, MPH, writes about food and compiled a list of what is worthwhile and what is not.

Try this: Vitamin D
In a study recently published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, children, daily and vitamin E (1,200 IU) is approximately 40 percent less likely to be the common flu virus from a children's placebo. Laboratory tests show that these nutrients may help immune cells recognize and destroy bacteria and viruses that we are sick, "says Adit there, Ph.D. MPH, Public Health researcher at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver.

Although the Institute of Medicine released a report on November 30 a new recommendation for vitamin D (600 international units a day for everyone except for men 71 +, which should receive 800 IU), but "only focused on bone health , "Yonder said. "There is not enough evidence that vitamin D reduces infections show, but the recommended amount for bone health is less than what I think is needed to improve immunity and reduce infection. Most people have at least 1,000 IU "days and require 2,000 IU per day, level or higher as necessary for an optimal immune response to achieve" While many experts recommend vitamin D you can get it (in small doses) from fatty fish like salmon and fortified milk and vitamin D the body The Sun

Try: Green Tea
Polyphenols, powerful antioxidants, green tea plant is thought to give its immune-enhancing effects. Laboratory studies suggest that certain types of polyphenols known as catechins can kill influenza viruses. In order to maximize benefits and bitterness, to reduce by just under boiling water and steep green tea no longer than one minute or two. A little lemon and honey can also help the bitterness. But not to add a milk protein will bind to polyphenols, which are inefficient.

Try this: probiotics
Some studies show that when these "good" bacteria found in yogurt, sauerkraut and other foods to reach the lower intestine, they just do not inhibit the growth of bad bacteria, but also can activate the immune system to fight disease in other ways . But polls show significant support for the immune system is low. In a study of 33 healthy young women were both "normal" so-called probiotic-rich yogurt and yogurt (containing good bacteria cultures added) found T-cells increases, the key players in protecting the body against viruses and other pathogens. But it's a long road, finding that "the assumption that the tax on yogurt or sauerkraut, kimchi, you can increase the immune system enough for something to fight the flu, H1N1," says Barry Goldin, Ph.D. Professor in the Department of Health and Social Medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston. Boost with a daily dose of fermented foods can not hurt, "says Goldin," but if you want to beat the flu should get vaccinated. "

Quick Tip: Depending on fermented dairy products like yogurt or sour milk (sour milk as a drink), with "live and active cultures" seal of the National Yogurt Association nominated. Stamp shows that yogurt contains a set minimum amount of two specific types of beneficial bacteria.

Try this: soluble fiber
Mice that ate a diet rich in soluble fiber for six weeks recovering from a bacterial infection in mice in half the time needed to chowed fiber mixture according to a recent study in the journal Brain, behavior and immunity to feed. Soluble fiber in abundance in citrus fruits, beans, carrots, apples, oats, and fight inflammation, "lead author Christina Sherry, Ph.D., rural development, says University of Michigan Ann Arbor. Insoluble fiber find in wheat bran, nuts and green leafy vegetables, is increasingly important for overall health, but it does not affect the immunity for that purpose. Strive for 25-38 g total fiber per day, Sherry says, pay special attention to the soluble forms to get.

Next: Airborne
As with many current air-label began with a grain of truth:selenium-nutrients and vitamins E, A, C, zinc in the Appendix, is one of the vitamins and minerals that our immune system to function effectively. According to the 2002 report in the British Journal of Nutrition, lack of some of these nutrients (or vitamins B6, B12, folic acid, copper or iron), can suppress the immune system. But the key word is deficit, most of us, except for smokers, pregnant women, lactating women and the elderly are adapted to our needs of these nutrients in the foods we eat. (If you have some of the higher risk categories have, consult your doctor before taking supplements.) And even better. Any excess amount of many nutrients, potentially harmful, and it's too easy to exaggerate. Only one tablet of air containing 1667% of the recommended daily value (DRV) for vitamin C.

Furthermore, "Glasyo" vitaminwater "Security"
This drink, with a caption saying that the special "formulated with nutrients necessary for optimal functioning of the immune system is not mega-doses of nutrients which the air. (20-ounce bottle of water contains 150 percent of the DRV Vitamin C and 25% for the four vitamins Ba zinc.) Plus has 125 calories per bottle.

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