Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease

Dementia and Alzheimer's, Dementia Disease

This section of the brain diseases of aging bunamadan, will talk about Alzheimer's disease. Let's Have a general introduction of this disease? As I mentioned above, the strategic task of the brain to detect the body's internal and external environment, to analyze this data, experiences and needs in the context of preparing a response. All this within the framework of the strategic task of the brain has two main functions: first thoughts and emotions to ensure provision of the second movement. Alzheimer's disease is the most common neurodegenerative disorder affecting thoughts and algılamamızı. However, the most common neurodegenerative disease affecting movement in Parkinson's disease.

Dementia is not a single disease

Dementia and Alzheimer's are often confused or used interchangeably, I think. However, two different situations, not telling?

True, they do not mean the same thing. Dementia is not a single disease, a clinical name of the table, in other words, a case study. Description is as follows: a man of at least two areas of cognitive function impairment, the impairment of a significant deterioration in the mental areas to express more than the previous levels, and this deterioration is severe enough to affect daily life. These three conditions come together when we decide that the person is a table of dementia. Dementia caused by various diseases, a table, a collection of findings ...

What do you mean saying mental functions?

Attention and concentration, this is an area of mental function. Memory, the second in a mental space. Language functions (speech, comprehension, writing, reading) someone else. Visual-spatial perception.

The latter is also our "executive functions" that we call insight, insight, analysis and planning, including the ability of the mental field. To diagnose dementia for at least two of these areas need to be broken: For example, memory impairment (forgetfulness), plus the deterioration of language functions (word finding difficulty, difficulty in setting up the sentence). This distortion affects the daily life should be. For example, impaired memory, now, people can not follow their jobs, appointments, to go places, do things you forget. To impaired function of language is hard to express himself, gets stuck, and that talking is reflected in daily life. When you look at the person's past, this functionality is now at a level better than you understand. Here we are in the case of this situation, "This statement of dementia patients have a" call.

Sometimes used in the sense of dementia among the people is almost an insult or is assumed to be the natural result of aging. What do you think?

Yes, negative dementia in Turkish, a word used in context a little humiliating. I think I have one thing in this historically. People, dementia brought results when the difference, holding the equivalent of madness.

Another issue is an important distinction between the loss of mental functions subsequently being developed limited. For example oligofreni or Turkish words "mental retardation" has nothing to do with the dementia. Because it is a normal function of the brain already kazanamamış from the outset. We are their "developmental disorders" call. In order to use the term dementia, brain functions have come to a certain level, it should show decreased levels, where level may have been too high or low, it does not matter.

I think, without rhyme or reason, no one in the bıınamıyor, a reason always lies below ...

Each time it is. Dementia, dementia that lie under the very different diseases. Were the most common cause of Alzheimer's disease. "Is this patient's dementia, dementia of whether you have Alzheimer's disease or" very often confronted with the question. Possible to explain this as follows: dementia, and dementia are expressed exactly the same thing, and a "high concept" represent. In Alzheimer's disease, that to the table, then the situation is the most common cause of disease. Sometimes, he understood better than I give the following example: Headache is a symptom, a top concept, migraine is the most common cause of headache, but rarely, under pain of a brain tumor in the head lie. Dementia in the same way it is. The most common underlying cause of dementia in Alzheimer's disease, but there is another reason as well as close to 70-to 80. For example, brain tumors, subdural hematoma accumulation of blood between the skull and the brain, brain swelling and brain tissue in the normally expands and the pressure to do much in the gaps, and the amount of blood necessary for normal functioning of the brain, such as Lack of quality.

We take two main groups of underlying diseases of dementia in general. The first is directly to a selective loss of brain cells in primary progressive dementia (primary progressive dementias).

What's in the second group?

The second group, "symptomatic dementias" call. Here, in fact dementia loss of brain cells, not the underlying disease leads to another. I also collect them into three groups. First, the causes of brain tissue destroyed. For example, the brain blood vessels are clogged, the brain tissue is destroyed. However, a sufficient number of brain cells need to function. If brain tissue is an important part of the destruction of healthy brain can not run naturally. Or, infections, meningitis, AIDS, syphilis as well as from outside, foreign agents, microbes invade the brain tissue is the brain tissue dies.

The second group of reasons can be summarized as masses of space inside the skull. Such as tumors or subdural hematoma. Think before you can understand the brain's anatomical structure of this type dementias: the hard skull, brain, an organ located in a solid enclosure. If you push it kakmaya housing starts in the brain of the brain to another if the formation remains under pressure. For example, the tumor, a tissue that does not belong there. Pressure on the brain begins to grow. Mental functions of this tumor is in an area about a person's mental functions deteriorate and dementia table are beginning to emerge. Another example of this, the above-mentioned subdural hematoma, the accumulation of blood between the skull and brain reveals that this is relatively common in the elderly.

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