Status asthmaticus

Episodes of severe persistent asthma, treatment lasted for hours or days is called status asthmaticus. The patient is in respiratory failure is an important. Arterial blood oxygen is reduced and syanoz husule. Then develop a respiratory acidosis. This, peripheral vascular collapse, tachycardia, followed by dehydration and cor pulmonale. More than 120 per minute, tachycardia is usually a dangerous symptom, treatment requires a hurry.

Status of all known factors in the etiology of asthma may lead to astmatikusa. These factors are also increasing bouts of increased cases of status asthmaticus. Status asthmaticus in some cases had a significant impact on psychological stress. Status asthmaticus is used indiscriminately in the increase of bronkodialitör, sympathomimetic, aerosols and other drugs has a significant impact.
Gradually increase the dose of aerosol medication for patients to be more effective. Sympathomimetic drugs, doses, especially over a long period of time and a higher mortality rate for status asthmaticus.

Be required at the status of the drug can cause astmatikusa. With administration of sedative drugs and large amounts of opium derivatives astmatikusa status can lead to respiratory depression developed.
Corticosteroid drugs in less than one withdrawal or reduction of status asthmaticus with olaşabilir.

Aspirin on the other hand, a patient allergic to penicillin or other drugs given the status of these drugs can cause astmatikusa.

Not been provided the necessary success in the treatment of hospitalized patients with asthma. Because the treatment of patients with failed last hours and days will take astmatikus'a status.

Status asthmaticus patients with clinical symptoms of severe dyspnea, and there are many times syanoz. If a particular inspiration strained chest. Broncho stuffy air in the respiratory muscles to bring the patient to help make running a big effort. Status wheezing respiratory status during the period required before entering a more specific reason for decrease of the bronchi with a lot of air movement is reduced gradually. If the patient needs to cough a great öksüremez. Dehidrate'dir tired and severe. Status asthmaticus is not treated, gradually decreases chest sounds, hypoxemia and respiratory acidosis occurs increasingly serious. With respiratory arrest and death comes husule.

Physical examination findings in the other cases of asthma does not show a significant separation. However, the patient has a more serious look. Despite all the effort is less than the patient's chest movements. Assistant respiratory Adeleye breathing in a certain way they participate. The patient sits and eğilmiştir forward. Decreased movement of the thorax Palpation-tracked. Hipersonorite percussion is taken.

Limited movement of the diaphragm. Auscultation strongly decreased breath sounds are monitored. Single-tuk sibilan, ronflan Railer be heard. Status asthmaticus progresses, breathing sounds, Railer reduced and lost, bronchial obstruction and related bronchiols.

Status astmatikusta Radiological findings show a significant change in asthma separately. However, the lungs appear to have a more tense and filled with air, pushed the diaphragm down. Place in small regions of atelectasis are seen. In some cases, even lobar atelectasis segment can be enormous quality. In these cases kuşkulanılır cancer. However, such a disbelief in a good medical history and verify the detailed radiologic examination. Mucus plugs can cause in some cases, small or large nodular appearance.

The first is the evaluation of treatment of the disease was to determine how serious. This is not always easy. Given the symptoms listed below, however, the patient's risk status asthmaticus crisis or the crisis tends to be understood: (1) Mental disorders, for example, continuous sleep, your consciousness or anxiety disorder. (2) Syanoz. (3) Paradoxically, heart rate (25 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure expiration inspirasyondakinden to have a lot). (4) "silent chest", though the patients had other symptoms of respiratory sounds and Railer bronkospasmın much reduced or disappeared. (5) pneumonia thorax, pneumomediastinum or subcutaneous emphysema (lung radyografısiyle diagnosis must be supported). (6) dehydration and exhaustion. (7) history of the patient's self-serious presence of status asthmaticus. (8) arterial oxygen pressure less than 50 mm Hg, C02 is more than 50 mm Hg pressure.
The patient to a hospital immediately, preferably in the intensive respiratory care of a hospitalized. First, the amount of 250-500 mg aminophylline 10-20, 5-10 minutes is injected intravenously and the patient is given approximately 30-35% oxygen. Adrenaline as the first drug used. This drug is injected under the skin 1/1.000 dilution-nundan 0.5 for 20-30 minutes and then repeated the same amount. Such small doses can be helpful in preventing the side effects of treatment to continue. Elderly patients with heart failure and pulmonary edema can be mixed astmatikusla status. Aminophylline is a drug effective in both diseases the exact status asthmaticus status asthmaticus and undiagnosed or preferring this drug should be kept in the cases with heart failure.

After the first drug treatment is 5% dextrose or saline and 2 hours after perfusion of 500 mg aminophylline or perfusion set is placed in the perfusion fluid is injected in 5-10 minutes. The first hour will be given intravenous fluid volume 1 liter.

A significant number of patients, the treatment described above, taken a few saatta response. Thus, short-term corticosteroid therapy is applied. For example, before the 100-200 mg of Hydrocortisone is given intravenously and continued treatment with prednisone is 100mg daily. 7-10 days in most patients, corticosteroid therapy is a good result and no significant side effects. Corticosteroid dose is adjusted according to patient characteristics. In severe cases, the course of the disease and treatment side effects, ECG and arterial blood gases should be checked.

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