Pneumococcal Pneumonia

Pneumococcal pneumonia (Streptococcus pneumoniae)

Parenkimasının pneumonia or pneumonitis in lung inflammation is called. Pneumonitis to pneumonia pneumonia mean the same thing by coming together more segments are used to pneumonia or patchy intizamsız.

Community-acquired pneumonia, the most common of all pneumonias izlenilenidir. Pneumococcal pneumonia community-acquired pneumonia and nosocomial pneumonia 80% 10% cover.
Bacterial pneumonia in the pneumonia and pneumococcal pneumonia is the most common bacteria, such as written below ACQUIRED PNEUMONIAE izlenile-nidir.Başlıca most common types of pneumonia:

The most common pneumococcal pneumonia

Fairly common Pyojen streptococci, staphylococci, klepsiella, haemo-fılus influenza

B.antrasis rare, pertussis, brusellosis, Enterobacter, E.koli N.meningitidis rare, Pseudomonas, proteus, nokardia


Pneumococcal pneumonia diplococcus preumoniae'dır factor. Gram-positive. 75 There are so many types.


Pneumonia is the period of 3 pathological.

1 - the period of fullness (engorgement) are initially edema. Dilated capillaries and dolgundur. Fluid leaks into the alveoli, exudation occurs.

2 - Karaciğerleşme (hepatisation) of the disease 2-3. takes on the day of a dark color, such as lung liver. This period is called the red hepatizasyon.
Lung 2-3 days after the yellow color changes, this period is called the yellow hepatizasyon, this period lasts for 3-4 days.

3 - Melt (resolution), the period of 7-10 days after onset of pneumonia alveoli into the air enters and exits the purification of pathological materials, ventilation starts.


Pneumonia is more observed in the winter months. Upper respiratory tract infections, smoking, alcohol, diabetes, aging, lung cancer, immunosuppressive diseases, immunosuppressive drugs and the incidence of pneumonia, surgical procedures and increase the seriousness.

Clinical Symptoms

Fifty percent of pneumonia cases are before the upper respiratory tract infection. Usually develops within a week of serious illness, fever 38 - 39.5 degree rise, many times higher than the evening fever. Line in the form of a cough and bloody rusty, sometimes yellow-green (purulent) sputum has. Often, chills, shivering, chills, pleuritic chest pain occurs. Some patients are herpes on his lips. 5-10 days after the fire suddenly "in the form of crisis," or gradually decrease "in the form of lysis," and the patient falls into the period of convalescence.

An acute view of the patient's physical examination followed, his face flushed and syanozedir. Fast and shallow breathing, high fever, tachycardia observed. Patient hemithorax inspiration and coughing, particularly painful. Thoracic movement is limited. Vocal fremitus normal or increased. If you have a complication of pleurisy vocal fremitus reduced. Dullness to percussion or sübmatite taken. Auscultation frotman, bronchial respiration, egofoni, bronkofoni, whispering and crepitan Railer pektoriloki'si duyulur.Yukarıda vary according to the physical examination findings in the cases.


Pneumonia is the most important method in the diagnosis of lung radyografisi'dir. Fairies air cavities of the disease began, the concentration of pneumonia or visceral pleura adjacent interlobar. Air bronchogram is monitored. However, the air bronchogram seen atelectasis caused by cancer. Loklalizedir a lobe or segment of pneumonia many times. Two or more lobe pneumonia is more serious prog-noz. Applied to the treatment of pneumonia decreased concentration of 10-14 days required will be lost. Untreated cases, radiological abnormalities, it takes 6-8 weeks.

Laboratory findings

Polymorphonuclear leukocytes and gram-positive pneumococci in sputum is abundant. By sputum culture is often the type of bacteria, and antibiotic sensitivity up or down and no effect on (antibiotic) are examined and effective antibiotic is chosen.

Leukocyte 10,000 to 30,000 to increase. In some cases, higher. In some cases, WBC, normal, normal or low. Worse prognosis in patients with extreme leukocytosis or leukopenia. Leukocyte formula increased polymorphs. Sedimentation rate increases. In severe cases, hypoxemia observed.


The main complications of pneumonia pleurisy, empyema, lung abscess, superinfection (recurrent) 'roll. Rarely, endocarditis, meningitis, nephritis, arthritis, otitis media, sinusitis, and shock may occur. Early and effective (sensitive to factors) prevents or reduces the complications of treatment. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchiectasis, cancer, malnutrition, and taken control of patients with diabetes mellitus, alcohol and cigarette smokers complications occur more frequently.

Pneumonia Treatment

Penicillin or ampicillin for treatment of pneumonia many times the most appropriate antibiotics. Penicillin and penicillin-sensitive staphylococcus streptococcus pneumonia-rind are also effective. 600,000 to 800,000 units procaine penicillin was injected intramuscularly 1-2 times a day or 2-4 times a day 7-10 days of treatment with intravenous penicillin 300,000 units on the crystal did not respond to penicillin edilir.Birkaç cases a day, or a complication that should consider the diagnosis was wrong. Cause of pneumonia in the elderly or hospitalized patients with gram-negative or staphylococcus aureus, is more broad-spectrum antibiotics, for example, a third-generation cephalosporin or broad spekrumlu are treated with penicillin. Alcoholics and psychiatric problems, especially those with high-dose penicillin or clindamycin followed aspiration pneumonia-ration is used. Mikoplasma pneumonia (atypical pneumonia) is treated with tetracycline or erythromycin antibiotics tikleriyle.

Successful drug susceptibility are evaluated by an antibiotic for the treatment of pneumonia.
Sekresyonlara effective drugs should be given of the respiratory tract. Need to consider some of the features according to the type of infection. Antibiotics and other drugs are ineffective in use or not given sufficient dose and duration of treatment prevents success. Gram-negative infections, especially pneumonia, the type and dose of medication should be carefully evaluated.

Patient with dyspnea, oxygen is given if syanoz. Cardiac patients, those with shock, diabetes, asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia, severe cases of chronic diseases and resistance to degrading and shows a dangerous course. In these patients with two or three antibiotics should apply a higher dose and longer period of time.

What is the Prognosis and prevansiyon

Despite effective antibiotic treatment, mortality is 1% of pneumococcal pneumonia. The average mortality rate is 5% of all pneumonias. The patient's age, degree of infection, complications and prognosis in the presence of other diseases affect.

Prevansiyon pneumococcal and influenza vaccines are provided. Especially the older people more likely to risk of chronic lung, liver, kidney, heart diseases, those, these vaccines are diabetics.
Most of the deaths followed the cases of superinfection or pneumonia disease with another. Bacteremia, leukopenia, shock, increases the mortality of the disease have more than one lobe.

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