Neck hernia Prevention Ways

Useful Tips for a Healthy Neck

Activities can continue your neck aches. This pain is a warning, avoid activities that cause.

Daily routine

While shaving, do not tilt your head back.
Wash the shower head.
If you need to use straw to drink from a bottle or box.


At least half an hour, take a break and exercise. Work at eye level. Use a ladder lying. Sit upright while reading and writing. Be careful when lifting heavy things.


Use the car or a horse for a long time. Take frequent breaks. On the back of your seat and head cushion to support your back and edit your head.

Leisure activities

Garden to deal with reading, such as business process activities to break. If you are in one place as a spectator, do not have to tilt your head forward so that you sit.


Use Soft pillows. Do not sleep-this position will force your head down it upwards. Putting a pillow under your knees bend to lie on her back or side to sleep is the best.

How to protect your neck?

Activities can continue your neck aches. This pain is a warning, avoid activities that cause.
Completely follow what you say to your doctor.
Strengthen your neck and away from the problems by doing simple exercises.
Keep your neck in a good position.
Long-term work and residence if necessary to break your neck.
Make sure your car seat fits your head.
Try hard sports like football the right equipment. Check the water before diving.

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