Breast lymphatics

Lymphatic drainage of the breast are three main ways.

1. Axillary lymph nodes

a. Externa mammary lymph nodes

b. Scapular lymph nodes

c. Central ganglia

d. Interpectoral ganglia (Ganglia Roter)

2. Parasternal (axillary) lymph nodes, breast, lymphatic flow of 3-25% percent is.

3. Posterior intercostal lymph nodes of breast lymphatics interlobular or perilobuler regions drainage begin.

Intramammar subdermal and subareolar breast lymph nodes in the region form an anastomosis. Takes place mainly in the right axillary lymphatic drainage of the breast. Axillary lymph ganglia, anatomically, according to the pectoralis minor muscle are divided into three groups looking at placements. Pectoralis minor muscle, lateral, or inferior to the lower limit of the Level I called lymph ganglia. This group of external mammarian, enters the axillary vein and the scapular lymph ganglion groups. Pectoralis minor muscle, posterior ganglia Level II group is settled, and a central part of this group includes a group of lymphatic ganglion. Level III lymph ganglia are located medial to the pectoralis minor muscle and the superior of the upper limit and cover a group of lymphatic ganglia. In addition, parallel to the internal mammary and intercostal sternum ganglionic chains and consists of drainage through the supraclavicular lymph nodes.

The role of the lymphatic drainage of the breast due to the spread of malignant tumors is of great importance clinically. Outer quadrant cancers, axillary, middle and inner quadrant of cancers seen in their internal mammary lymph nodes metastasis. Superficial lymphatics or the anterior abdominal wall along the middle line through the contralateral breast are drained.

Lymph nodes were also found in breast tissue. Mammography Intramammary lymph nodes (IMLN) at least 5% of normal women can be seen.

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