Benign Breast Disease

Fibrocystic disease: The most common disease of the breast. A very wide spectrum of clinical pathology, this is a big part of women after puberty is a change in the developing parenchymal. The patients may be asymptomatic, in breast pain, tenderness or masses of various sizes can come up with a complaint. An excessive proliferation of fibrous connective tissue, fibrocystic disease, duct epithelial hyperplasia and such changes can be seen lobules. They can be found separately or all in one. Fibrocystic mammography findings in disease is seen in the following ways. Forms are in the forefront of the cysts, cysts radiologically smooth, round, ovoid-shaped and sharp. Lobulated multiloculated cysts. Many small cysts, epithelial and fibrous proliferation in the pattern when the overkill extends to form a nodular. Calcifications in the wall of the cysts can be monitored in the form of half-moon. Simple cysts in U.S., sharply contoured, completely anechoic, thin-walled, internal echo, or lesions that do not contain septa. Breast cysts may change shape compression. Posterior acoustic cysts observed exacerbation. Suggesting a complicated hydatid cyst is a finding seen in the eco-particles. This view proteinaceous material, may be due to infection or bleeding. Intracystic papilloma in the solid component to be a cyst, hemorrhagic cyst or suggestive of papillary carcinoma. Such lesions, fine-needle aspiration biopsy or tru-cut biopsy is indicated. Breast cysts are 35 to 50 years between the perimenopausal period is fairly common lesions. Breast cysts are fluid-filled lesions caused by breast lobules. As with most common component of fibrocystic disease, a solitary cysts are also seen. Fibrous forms are in the forefront of changes and dense breast parenchyma is homogeneous. Epithelial hyperplasia was significant ways (the terminal ductal hyperplasia and lobular hyperplasia), sclerosing adenosis advanced stage of the so-called increase in breast density associated with diffuse nodular are scattered small calcifications. This form is seen less often. Often bilateral and symmetrical, although there are localized and can mimic malignancy.

Fibroadenoma: Young women are prime candidates is the most common benign breast nipple. Fibroadenomas after puberty and usually before the age of 25-30 as a slow-growing benign tumors that depend on the activity of estrogen. % 10-20, although multiple lesions may also occur bilaterally. Size increases during pregnancy and lactation, menopausal back then. Fibroadenomlarda result shows coarse calcifications. Which is typical for soft-tissue component of the disappeared back Fibroadenomas degenerate "in the pop-corn" type remains amorphous and coarse calcifications.

Juvenile fibroadenoma: after puberty, and very fast-growing giant Fibroadenomas seen. Histological and radiological features similar to other fibroadenomlara. Sometimes you can reach giant proportions. Even though they have come with the rapid growth of malignant potential.

Sistosarkoma filloides: Usually solitary and unilateral. Potentially malignant, large, lobulated, well circumscribed, homogeneous-heterogeneous echo structure of a solid mass. Fibroadenomdan difference in size and cell number. In the form of a large cavernous structures filloides Sistosarkoma cystic areas of degeneration and foci of hemorrhage include. Most are less than 5% rate of malignant transformation may develop a benign character. Sistosarkoma, when there is a small clinic and radiology as fibroadenoma. There is a significant radiological criteria other than size in the differential diagnosis. Fibroadenoma of the tumor the size of a similar six-to eight centimeters (cm) exceeds the sistosarkoma filloides be considered good.

Intraductal papilloma: Mostly ducts in the breast closer to the top, subareolar region develops. Hyperplastic proliferation of ductal epithelium and ductal system, and many can be seen everywhere in. Papillomdur the most common benign papillary neoplasm of the breast. Solitary intraductal papilloma occurs frequently Gradient nipple. The most common cause of PND serous or bloody. Malignant papillary lesions of the papillary ductal carcinoma in situ and invasive papillary carcinoma. Intraductal papilloma can be seen at any age, although most often seen in late reproductive and postmenopausal period.

Lipoma: Asymptomatic, slow growing, well-defined, mobile masses. Lipomlarda calcification is monitored very rare.

Fibroadenolipom (hamartoma): a rare variant of lipoma. Adenomatous tissue and fibrous tissue proliferation in available. The lesion is surrounded by a thin capsule.

Fat necrosis of the breast: breast fat necrosis usually develops secondary to trauma. Had a breast biopsy or surgery are often seen. In such cases, a cavity containing fat cells secondary to the release of lipids and around the fibrous tissue. Mammographic appearance of fat necrosis may vary. Well-defined fatty cyst forms, which vary irregularly contoured to have audience. Eggshell calcifications in the form of oil capsules contain cysts. Retraction and thickening of the skin lesions caused by fat necrosis, and irregular contours, giving rise to parenchymal distortion may mimic breast cancer. Limited fat necrosis of the posterior acoustic shadow, and aggravation in U.S. shows an irregular, heterogeneous, with the oil co echogenity seen as small focal lesions.

Hematoma: Hematoma most frequently seen in the breast after the surgery or biopsies. The surrounding stromal tissue density mass with irregular contours with mammography, a monitored increase. In more advanced stages, or hemorrhagic cyst becomes a well-defined audience. Coarsening of trabecular pattern with thickening of the skin may also occur. Hematoma are usually in place within a few weeks to disappear, leaving scar tissue, or distortion. Calcified hematoma, or the scar tissue is rare. In U.S. appearance of a hematoma depends on the stage. Early in the apparent contour is the area hyperechoic scratch. Late in the aggravation of the well-defined posterior acoustic echo showing an anechoic lesion showing the structure becomes homogeneous.

Mastitis and Abscess: Acute mastitis is an infection of the breast is usually seen in lactation. Abscesses and other chronic illnesses related. Radiologic mimics the appearance of inflammatory carcinoma. Widespread increase in parenchymal density, skin thickening, and findings of axillary lymphadenopathy detected. Respond quickly to antibiotic treatment of acute abscesses. Abscess in the irregular contours of mammographic mass, thickening of the skin around and is seen as a distortion. Abscess in U.S. irregular contours, with solid and cystic components with posterior acoustic shadowing, which, heterogeneous, echogenic, and a lesion containing areas. Chronic mastitis, breast aseptic inflammatory lesion seen in elderly women. This disease is called plasma cell mastitis. The condition of secretion in the ducts, periductal connective tissue occurs after infiltration. Radiologically, the typical rough, linear, circular and oval calcifications seen. At the same time there is increased density subareolar region. Granulomatous mastitis (granulomatous) of unknown etiology, clinically mimic breast cancer, a rare inflammatory disease of the breast. Often seen in young women, and within six years after pregnancy. To as mammographic appearance of breast cancer that mimic the disease in U.S. (multiple hypoechoic tubular lesions in groups, sometimes large hypoechoic masses) is suggestive.

Lactating breast abscess usually occurs in patients, mainly localized in the retroareoler. Irregular in U.S. limited, mixed eco patterninde or relatively well-defined, low in the mass seen as strengthening the school and posterior acoustic.

Adenosis: a lesion of the breast glandular describes the elements of interest. Mammography and benign calcifications are observed. Adenosis and sclerosing adenosis mikroglandüler two types are defined.

Galactose: In breast milk-filled cysts. Lactating or pregnant women are monitored palpable mass, after lactation can be seen for many years. Multiple, can be uni or bilateral. Diagnosis is made ​​based on aspiration. Properly seen as rounded masses of different density mammography. The appearance of a well-defined anechoic cyst in U.S.. Posterior acoustic shadowing of the amplification and there.

Fibroma and leomyoma: Fibroma of the breast is a benign pathology, the breast glandular tissue and are located properly. Is one of the rare tumors of the breast. At the periphery of developing breast nipple vessel (vascular) or smooth muscle in the skin (superficial-cutaneous) more likely to develop. Breast parenchyma are very rare.

Ductal ectasia (plasma cell mastitis): collecting ducts in the breast subareoler inflammatory reaction and fibrosis is characterized by dilatation and around them. PND's first complaint. And consists of dark-colored discharge. Periductal fibrosis and inflammatory infiltration of lymphocytes occurs as the disease progresses. Palpation can be felt with the enlarged ducts. Nipple retraction due to fibrosis developing in advanced stages can be seen as a hyperechoic in U.S. and dilated ducts, periductal fibrosis subareoler monitored.

Hemangioma: the stromal vascular lesion of the breast. With mammography, a well-defined, punctate calcifications monitored along with the mass and the rate is 1.2 to 11%.

Radial Scar (benign sclerosing ductal lesion) and complex sclerosing lesions:

Sclerosing variant of adenosine is thought to be a radial scar. Central sclerosis and varying degrees of epithelial proliferation, apocrine metaplasia, and papilloma is characterized by the formation. Radial scar, complex sclerosing lesion takes its name from the size of one centimeter above. Composed of tubular structures extending from the center of a sclerotic line. Ducts periphery of the lesion show fibrocystic changes. Radial scar with tubular breast cancer, the radiological significance due to the great similarity. Some publications of the pathology of these two together, and that the removal of radial scars necessarily advocates. Other distinguishing characteristics of spiculated malignant lesions, radial scar with central radiolucent zone, including the skin and nipple retraction. However, they eliminate the need for biopsy in the presence of malignancy in terms of clinical suspicion.

Focal breast fibrosis: scarring of the breast with focal fibrosis or diabetes, related. For the breast may occur after interventional procedures. Fibrosis is often seen as mammography, and in U.S..

Flariazis Lymphatic: Lymphatic filaryazis by a nematode parasite Wuchereria bancrofti occurs. Very rare in the breast. However, breast involvement is not a place familiar.

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