Neurological Diseases and Vaccination

Vaccination and neurological diseases

The presence of an active neurological disease, an absolute contraindication for vaccination.

A history of convulsive seizures during the vaccination of a baby's need to be careful. This is true for all vaccines, but should be considered strongly for the first whooping cough and smallpox vaccines.

Pertussis vaccine is also lightning and link to the program, in a similar way in children allergic to perform a very gradual manner, as well as an anticonvulsant drug use in that order, on-site olur25. Mande, recommends the introduction of vaccination, with one quarter the normal dose, if the dose is well tolerated, then gradually increased, and the third, as applied to the full dose. However, a fourth injection is needed in these cases. Low-dose patients can not tolerate well, and vaccination is postponed to a later date after the injections, suitable for release.

The same is also true of epilepsy in children, vaccination procedures should be done under the protection of gardenal-aspirin, or diazepam.

Cases of infantile encephalopathy or neurological or mental sequelae of obstetric trauma in children in the first year of life should not be made ​​until the end of any vaccine.
In cases of a rare disease in childhood with inactivated vaccines available, but if multiplskleroz corticosteroids if given to patients, live virus vaccines should not be done.
Which may be a case of trisomy 21 children and all vaccines, these should be performed. Anamnezlerinde cases with convulsive seizures pertussis vaccine, may be excluded from this rule.

Mongols response to vaccination may wonder? Results of the studies, show that this response is weak.

GORDON and influenza vaccination in children with trisomy arkadaşları27 viewing, post-vaccination antibody formation reported was not good enough.

Previously, Siegel, and then after immunization with tetanus antibody fitresinin arkadaşları6129 Griffith, found that significantly lower than the control group.

GREEN and arkadaşları28, poliomiyelit, rubella and measles antibodies after vaccination fitrelerini examined and found no difference between young mongollarla normal controls. The difference between the normal controls, however, older mongollarla, statistics severe meaningful ways.

Seroconversion rates and antibody titers to analyze and arkadaşları68 TROIS, the difference between the normal population and could see cases of trisomy, trisomy values ​​in patients with immune problems, which is significantly lower than that saw vakalarındakinden hastalardakinden or hemodialysis

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