In terms of increased lung expansion, pain, anxiety, decreased energy, fatigue, tracheobronchial obstruction
It is obvious from
Wheezing, shortness of breath
Tachypnea, respiratory radical changes, decreased vital capacity
Wheezes, rales
Abnormal blood gases (ABGs)
Desired outcomes / evaluation criteria, the client
Respiratory Status: Ventilation
Ensure adequate ventilation.
Experience cyanosis or other signs of hypoxia with ABGs within acceptable limits.
Nursing interventions on the ground:
1st Monitor respiratory rate and depth. Auscultate breath sounds. To determine whether the presence of pallor and cyanosis, increased anxiety or confusion.
Background: breathing may be due to incision pain, analgesia, immobility and obesity hypoventilation causes and risks of atelectasis and hypoxia. Note: Many anesthetics are soluble in fat, so postoperative "reseda station and the potential for respiratory complications is increased.
2nd elevate the head of the bed 30-45 degrees.
Justification: Supports the optimal diaphragm excursion and lung expansion and pressure on the abdominal contents into the chest cavity to decrease. Note: Once held lie, bariatric
Others at high risk for severe postoperative hypoventilation.
3rd Encouraging deep breathing exercises. Help cough and bus parts.
Background: maximum lung expansion promote and assist in the removal of the airways, increasing the risk of atelectasis and pneumonia. Note: The use of belly rings are well equipped and at least 2 cm below the xiphoid process to encourage a deep breath.
Rotate regularly and fourth ambulatory as soon as possible.
Justification: Improves aeration of all segments of the lung, mobilize and support the movement of secretions. Note: If the customer is a good candidate for obesity surgery, he or she is probably a very good job and is usually able to convert and transfer within 8 hours after surgery.
5th Road countries and training customers to use the armrests.
Background: Land use has a larger track pad breast augmentation.
Sixth Use a small pillow under your head, if appropriate.
Reason: Many customers are obese, big, thick neck, and the use of large, soft pillows can prevent the airways.
7th Administration of supplemental oxygen.
Justification: maximizing available for the exchange of O2 and a reduced work of breathing.
Eighth, to assist in the use of bottles or work incentive spirometer use.
Justification: Supports the expansion reduces the risk of pulmonary atelectasis.
9th Monitor ABGs or pulse oximetry, as indicated.
Background: Reflects ventilation, oxygen and acid-base status. It is used as a basis for assessing the necessity and effectiveness of breathing therapy.
Monitor the 10th patient controlled analgesia (PCA) and the administration of painkillers if needed.
Reason: Status quo involved in respiratory therapy and support the development of the lungs. Note: For the first 48 hours after surgery, intravenous (IV) PCA is the method of choice. Oral medications are usually a higher level of pain.
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